Posts in Motherhood
My own Melody - Birth Story

Out of breath, out of energy and trying so hard to focus on the instructions staff were relaying to me. I began to have tunnel vision as my body slowly started to give up. I gave all of me physically, emotionally and mentally to the nurses, I had nothing left and worried sick about my baby being stuck. I signed my life away and could hear the medical staff shooing my husband to another room. In a panicked state I kept wandering if my baby was ok. I was wheeled to theatre and I remember as each contraction came on, I’d open and close my eyes, just seeing the walls blur. Unable to ask questions through the pain,…

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2020 & the Global Pandemic: Pregnancy & the impact of months in lockdown.

2020, what a whirlwind. For many, including myself, it had been emotional and hard to grasp. The Global Pandemic continues to take a toll on the world but Victoria, where I’m located, seems to have it under control for now. However, businesses, families and individuals, are all learning to re-build and operate successfully, with what is being described as “Covid Normal”. A lot are re-building on all levels; mentally, physically, emotionally and even learning to re-build their businesses and relationships. An eight month lock down broke me.

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